From the first moment, I started having social networks and preparing for the launch of the Token at Pinksale (which, so far, I’m not sure was a good solution), I began to realize that, at least at Pinksale, if you are to be successful, you need to invest in Marketing.
The Pinksale team, the Coinsult team, and everyone else who started sending messages via Telegram offering their services told me this.
What happens is:
- The cryptocurrency market in general, meme coins, and small projects like mine are booming, with thousands of projects appearing daily. This causes cannibalism in the market itself, and the number of influencers with great power among their followers significantly influences people to opt for specific projects.
- The amount of money that enters this market daily leads to many opportunists (SCAMMERS) trying to make money, offering services that don’t even exist, to try to eat some of this significant and delicious cake ready.
The solution is to join the circle and follow the leader, which is like saying to pay the influencers what they ask. Otherwise, our project will be forgotten and lost among thousands of others.
I conclude that most people who want to invest don’t know how to look at a project and decide on their own whether project A or B has value; no one does the so-called DYOR.
They neither know nor want to! It’s much easier to follow influencers and do what they say than to think for yourself.
I concluded that the project, the idea, the tokenomics, or the team don’t matter. All that matters is the amount you are willing to invest in Marketing for the project to be successful.
And this success, as I have been told, is directly measured by the amount invested in marketing, nothing more.
This is why many projects are scams. It’s a website, a contract, advertising, and a successful Launch. The next step is to dump the tokens on the market, earn some more, and move on to a new project, and investors are screwed!
It’s a shame it’s like this, that’s my opinion.
At this stage, the work points were:
Understand the importance of Marketing and find the best solutions while trying not to get SCAMMED.
This is a work in progress that will never end.